Nearly 10 years ago, research by marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols proved what many Monterey County residents instinctively know: being in, on or near the water is good for us. Nichols released a groundbreaking book, Blue Mind, increasing awareness of how water has a positive effect on our emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Nichols is in town this week for the 9th annual Blue Mind Summit at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur. The location is by design – Nichols said in a press release he can’t imagine a better place to combine the benefits of water and mindfulness. He’s being joined by mindfulness expert Shauna Shapiro and neuropsychiatrist Daniel Siegel. The three aim to combine contemplative practice with science to create the experience of “Blue Mindfulness.”
Fri-Sun June 28-30. Esalen Institute, 555000 Highway 1, Big Sur. 831-667-3000, esalen.org.