Greencastle, Ind. - "Everywhere I go, I meet EcoDaredevils," writes Wallace J. Nichols, senior scientist at the Ocean Conservancy and 1989 graduate of DePauw University, in an op-ed timed to coincide with this week's commemoration of Earth Day. "They are debating, creating, evolving -- yes, sometimes crashing -- but always, always coming back for more."
Dr. Nichols, a marine biologist responsible for pioneering research on the migration of sea turtles, calls upon readers to be inspired -- as he was as a child -- by Evel Knievel, who attempted a motorcycle jump of Idaho's Snake River Canyon. Of the environmental
challenges the world faces, Nichols writes, "Jumping this chasm will be the greatest challenge we have ever faced. It will require revolutionary changes in society and technology. To succeed, we must be brave, creative and outspoken. We must undertake the audacious, the impossible and the dangerous. We must risk our financial, social and physical comfort. In other words, we must become EcoDaredevils."
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