Water is the essence of life. It balances the mind and heals the body. To be close to – or submerged in – water is to feel present in the moment and engaged with the world, a state of being called ‘the Blue Mind’.
For kitesurfers, existing at the meeting point of the wind and the waves, the Blue Mind is the meditative state that allows them to perform at their best, an inner stillness and sense of connection that enables astonishing physical feats.
Water quiets all the noise, all the distractions, and connects you to your own thoughts.
Summoning the gods
In the Philippines, it is said the breeze comes at the whim of the gods. The kitesurfers of Amanpulo await the coming of Amihan, the goddess of the northeast winds. In preparation, stretching readies the muscles for the physical demands of riding the board. Meditation melts away everyday stresses and opens the mind to the moment.
When the wind catches the kite and the board lifts from the surface of the water, the mind floods with exhilaration. There are few sports that combine this kind of adrenaline high with such a profound feeling of peace. Here, above the waves, the challenge is maintaining balance on the board while keeping control of the kite. Working in harmony with the wind demands considerable agility and great clarity of thought, but the rewards are unparalleled.