Dear Friends of Blue Marbles,
The countdown is on and Digital Ocean is working overtime to help us raise the funds to purchase a boatload of new blue marbles...the next million to be exact!
Thus far, we have bought, borrowed and traded whatever we had for every marble we could find just to keep the gratitude rolling...but now we have to MAKE MORE MARBLES.
The deal is, the ONLY REMAINING MARBLE MAKERS in the US won’t even glance at us without a HUGE order. So...we placed it (such faith), they will make them (we’ll pay them, of course), and then we have to go get them. Soon. (Better to drive to West Virginia or Ohio than fly to China...)
BUT we need your help to do it...and it won’t take much.
Just PRE-ORDER your own bag of blue marbles now, spread the word through your own network, and, when you are ready, share your favorite blue marble story with us!
Ten bucks will get you a blue marble (and a heap of gratitude) or $1000 will make you a super hero (and get you custom cards with your logo!) Anything in between is fine too!
The thing is, we just want to keep sharing the LOVE for our little blue planet, connecting people in a whole new way, and making headlines all over the globe.
It’s a great way to shine the light on our ocean planet and an even better way to share gratitude. Won’t you help?