Here's a link to some of the books and book chapters I've written on
Evening on London's River Thames.
Beautiful, well designed bridges allow more access to Blue Mind benefits. (Photo by David Iliff)
The 100 Days of Blue Book Tour continues today in the U.K.
This week in London we had a proper book signing over afternoon tea and scones at the The Delaunay with friends from Little, Brown Book Group. The U.K. Edition of Blue Mind books were signed for deep water lovers Nigel Winser, Sir Richard Branson, and Gwyneth Paltrow.
This was followed by a beautiful tour of the city's historic waterways, fountains, and baths the next day. Read this fascinating acount of London's Lost Rivers from the Telegraph.
A vibrant social life continues to return to the banks and surfaces of the River Thames and other waterways making the city more livable and its minds more blue.
"London’s rivers are invisible threads, binding London together under the surface while the city roars above. They were here long before people or buildings arrived. They are a hidden system for cutting through the layers on which London stands, and revealing the many places London used to be."
But today we are in the country on the River Arun the longest river in West Sussex. We'll drop some kayaks in the water for a bit of a paddle in the rain. Our blue minds are "on". The highlight was a flip off a rope swing into David Gilmore's pond.
Tomorow, after an overnight ferry from Portsmouth to Le Havre, the #BlueMind book tour continues on to Deauville, France with a keynote at the Global Estuaries Forum.
Please do share your #100DaysofBlue stories and images with us and on social media, tagging them with #BlueMind. And encourage friends and colleagues to sign up here.
Note that pre-orders of Blue Mind eBooks are being generously discounted until the July 22nd U.S. launch date by Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iTunes (non-fiction book of the month for July), and Google Books.
Get your copy of Blue Mind today! Click here to order.
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