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Wallace J. Nichols. 2007. A brave new ocean? Technology and the future of sea turtle research and conservation. In: Mast, R.B., Hutchinson, B.J., and A.H. Hutchinson, compilers. 2007. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-567, 205 p.
View this profile on Instagram Dr. Wallace J. Nichols (@wallacejnichols) • Instagram photos and videos
Dr. Wallace J. Nichols (@wallacejnichols) • Instagram photos and videos
Hello everyone, By now, you’ve likely heard the news of J’s passing. We want to thank you... continue
In heartbreak, we announce the passing of Dr. Wallace J. Nichols – distinguished marine biologist... continue
Where did our water come from? One theory is from comets and asteroids nearly 4 billion years... continue