We sent a blue marble to Officer Derek Conley to thank him for going above and beyond...and saving baby sea turtles. 
We are now following each other on twitter, and sharing the blue love.
Read more about his efforts on the Take Part website:
"Maybe they wanted to put their feet up, watch a little cable TV, and freshen up with a quick shower. But it must have been an odd sight for the human guests at Sarasota Florida's Lido Beach Resort when they saw about 100 baby sea turtles crawling their way through the parking lot and towards the hotel's front doors. A few had even made it inside the lobby.
Sarasota officer Derek Conley noticed the hatchlings in the middle of the night last week while on patrol. He grabbed a cardboard box, and with the help of some of the hotel's guests and security staff, collected the slow-moving creatures from the parking lot and surrounding streets, stopping traffic a few times in the process.
Conley delivered the turtles back to the beach, and across the water line, effectively saving their little lives."