Bayfield Carnegie Library is launching a "Community Reads" program for the first time and are combining it with their Winter Lecture Series.
The kickoff event is January 18, from 6-8 pm, at the pavilion in downtown Bayfield.
What is a "Community Reads" program, you ask?
It is where a selected book is chosen to read as a community. We are expanding our program by adding different events and activities--which fit the theme of the book.
The selected book is Blue Mind and the kickoff event will feature the NY Times best-selling author of Blue Mind, Dr. Wallace J. Nichols. The theme of the book is the benefits of living near water: quality of life, healing benefits of water, and much more.
The theme of our Community Reads-Winter Lecture Series is water. Each month, January-April, will feature a different lecture about water-related information.
Apostle Islands Booksellers will have copies of the book for 20 percent off.
There will also be a large group discussion for the book. Stay tuned for more information!