“One can begin to feel suffocated — like a deep, night dive on an empty SCUBA tank...”
A profound reflection from my good friend, Dr. Wallace Nichols, or “J”., on how I imagine we all feel when hearing about the state of our ocean. The overwhelming negative headlines can make us feel alone, hopeless.
However, like J., I want to change how we feel — from frustrated and powerless to hopeful and optimistic.
J. is a beacon of light for ocean health. His research has uncovered water’s healing properties, regardless of how we experience it, demonstrating a powerful connection between humans and the sea. Through beautifully narrated scientific insights , J. has also provided conservationists a new way to talk about ocean health, moving the conversation away from one of doom and gloom and towards one optimism.
It is my hope that J.’s work will lead us in building a global community that values the ocean and its marine animals. Just as the surfing community has begun to do.
Read more HERE