Think about how you feel when you’re sitting by the water. While you’re enjoying the view, do you feel calmer or happier? You’re not alone!
There are many documented benefits to spending some time by the water.
Wallace J. Nichols, Ph.D., says: “Water makes you happier, healthier, more connected to other people and better at what you do.” Nichols is the author of the book Blue Mind, which uses science to demonstrate the benefits of being near water.
You’ll feel happier and more relaxed near any type of water, whether it’s the ocean, a lake, a river, a swimming pool or even a fountain. What’s more, the effects are magnified when you experience water with someone close to you. Nichols says that being near water with someone else helps to release the chemical oxytocin, which promotes well-being and trust.
The ocean is particularly beneficial. The sound of waves crashing against the surf creates a form of white noise, which helps you feel less distracted and more relaxed. You could even use the sound of the ocean to meditate, or to imagine that your negative thoughts and feelings are being pulled further and further out to sea.
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