Ever found yourself thinking if you just lived closer to water, listening to waves ebb and flow, you might be slightly happier and give you a sense of calm? You actually might be on to something.
According to marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols, being close to a body of water, be it the ocean, a river, lake, or pond, has enormous mental and physical health benefits that help people be happier and healthier.
The water health research has been detailed in Nichols best selling book, Blue Mind, where he describes the mild meditative state we all fall into when they are close by water.
The biologist interprets the blue mind, as being the antidote to what psychologists refer to as the red mind – the anxious, stressed, over-stimulated we regular find ourselves in on a daily basis.
Nichols' theory and research offers substance that being close to water can help us all reach an elevated and sustained happiness.
So, if you are in the market for a new home, or needing to find a solution to heightened levels of stress and anxiety, look for a move close to water, it will help.
To find it more information about the benefits of living close to water and the water health research, Blue Mind is available to buy at Amazon online.
Read more here.