Links to some radio, podcast, TV & film interviews. Also check out my IMDb filmography.
Blue What?
When we ask people to describe their favourite vacation spot, it is extremely common for responses to include “by the lake” or “by the ocean.” This is not surprising; it is a widely shared notion that being by the water makes us happy. We feel calm, content and overall, just better. David and I have always recognized this, but never have we experienced the positive effects of water like we have since moving to Bear River.
Not long ago, we discovered a book called “Blue Mind: The Surprising Science That Shows How Being Near, In, On, or Under Water Can Make You Happier, Healthier, More Connected, and Better at What You Do.” In this book, California author Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, (a research scientist, educator and entrepreneur), uses data from various fields of study to explain the human-water connection. He refers to the effects of water on our brain/psyche as our “Blue Mind: A mildly meditative state characterized by calm, peace, unity, and a sense of general happiness and satisfaction with life in the moment.”
Having Bear River as our back yard, (literally-the river is metres from our house), David and I strongly identify with this “Blue Mind” phenomenon. Furthermore, we see how it impacts visitors to Bear River who, on many occasions, have expressed how they feel “calm and happy” in the village although they are “not sure why.” We are also often asked why artists have (for decades) moved to our little village along the river. Wouldn’t any environment that brings out your “blue mind” be an ideal stimulus for creativity?
In short, Blue Mind Gallery is a space for you to discover some of the creativity that is found in and around Nova Scotia – including works from many Bear River artists. We have fine art and craft of various mediums and, if you’re lucky, you might just catch a little live music too. David rarely leaves home without his guitar…
âLook forward to seeing you.... â
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Hello everyone, By now, you’ve likely heard the news of J’s passing. We want to thank you... continue
In heartbreak, we announce the passing of Dr. Wallace J. Nichols – distinguished marine biologist... continue
Where did our water come from? One theory is from comets and asteroids nearly 4 billion years... continue