Being near water is an easy way to reduce stress & find peace.
Posted on Jun 21st, 2019
Water is important for us in so many ways. But the best one is that it can reduce stress and bring us sustainable happiness.
It seems like there's something new to stress about every day. So much so that sometimes you just want to drop everything and go to a place where you can just gaze into the sunset and the glimmering water. You can't explain it but something about being near the water just calms you down and washes your stress away.
Well, you might actually be on to something. According to best-selling author and marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols, even just being near a body of water - sea, river, ocean, lake - can boost your mental health and happiness.
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“The term ‘blue mind’ describes the mildly meditative state we fall into when near, in, on or under water,” Nichols told USA Today in 2017. “It’s the antidote to what we refer to as ‘red mind,’ which is the anxious, over-connected and over-stimulated state that defines the new normal of modern life.”