Where did our water come from? One theory is from comets and asteroids nearly 4 billion years ago. A more recent theory is that most of it was already here, inside the planet, and it came to the surface over time. Either way, all of Earth’s water travels between lakes, rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, the land and living things, including us. And the water we drink today is the same water that dinosaurs and the first humans ever drank. Mind-bending, huh?
Bringing it back to you, you intuitively know how good water is for you. In fact, scientists who study the effects of “blue environments” say that we humans need the blue as much as we need the green. For more on the science, see “Blue Mind: The Surprising Science That Shows How Being Near, In, On, or Under Water Can Make You Happier, Healthier, More Connected, and Better at What You Do,” by Wallace J. Nichols. And lucky for us, we have access to water in a multitude of ways and forms.
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